Basics of R & RStudio

Artwork by @allison_horst

Learning R can feel very intimidating, and getting started is often the hardest part. Don’t fret! If you’re completely new to R or programming in general, it is normal to feel frustrated and/or hopeless at first. But learning a few basics can go a long way and empower you to take the next step. And even if you’ve been using R for a while, I always find that I learn something new and useful when going back over the fundamentals.


Further Reading

  1. Getting Started with Data in R (chapter from ModernDive)

  2. A GIF-based introduction to RStudio

  3. Tour of RStudio from R-Ladies Sydney

Department of Psychology

This bootcamp gives a gentle introduction to R and RStudio, transforming and visualizing data with the tidyverse, and the basics of R Markdown.