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Introduction and Orientation

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Hello πŸ‘‹

Welcome to the 3rd annual UO Psych R Bootcamp!

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Hello πŸ‘‹

Welcome to the 3rd annual UO Psych R Bootcamp!

The team




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Day 1: Monday, 9/21, 9 AM - 1 PM PST

  • Basics of R & RStudio
  • Data Types & Structures
  • Functions & Debugging

Day 2: Wednesday, 9/23, 9 AM - 12 PM PST

  • Introduction to the tidyverse
  • Importing data & Project-oriented workflows
  • Data visualization with ggplot2

Day 3: Friday, 9/25, 9 AM - 1 PM PST

  • Data wrangling with dplyr
  • Data tidying with tidyr
  • Reproducible reporting with R Markdown
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RStudio Cloud



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A word of encouragement

  • R has a substantial learning curve, but...
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A word of encouragement

  • R has a substantial learning curve, but...

    • 1) It's absolutely worth it! (I promise)
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A word of encouragement

  • R has a substantial learning curve, but...

    • 1) It's absolutely worth it! (I promise)

    • 2) Everyone goes through this

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A word of encouragement

  • R has a substantial learning curve, but...

    • 1) It's absolutely worth it! (I promise)

    • 2) Everyone goes through this

β€œThere is no way of going from knowing nothing about a subject to knowing something about a subject without going through a period of great frustration and much suckiness.”

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A word of encouragement

  • R has a substantial learning curve, but...

    • 1) It's absolutely worth it! (I promise)

    • 2) Everyone goes through this

β€œThere is no way of going from knowing nothing about a subject to knowing something about a subject without going through a period of great frustration and much suckiness.”

-Hadley Wickham,
Chief Scientist at RStudio

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Artwork by @allison_horst

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Artwork by @allison_horst

πŸ•’ + πŸ’ͺ ...

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Artwork by @allison_horst

πŸ•’ + πŸ’ͺ ...

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What are R & RStudio?

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What are R & RStudio?

R is a programming language designed for statistics and data science
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What are R & RStudio?

R is a programming language designed for statistics and data science

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides an interface to R.

RStudio also refers to the company that develops this software.

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What are R & RStudio?

Image from Modern Dive

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Why Use R?

It's open source

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Why Use R?

It's open source

  • It's free!
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Why Use R?

It's open source

  • It's free!

  • It's easier to share your data & code

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Why Use R?

It's open source

  • It's free!

  • It's easier to share your data & code

  • Innovations spread quickly

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Why Use R?

It's open source

  • It's free!

  • It's easier to share your data & code

  • Innovations spread quickly

  • You can contribute!

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Why Use R?

It's powerful & flexible

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Why Use R?

It's powerful & flexible

  • You can use R for more than data analysis, including:

    • creating websites (including this one!)

    • creating documents that reproduce your analyses

    • slideshows (including this one!)

    • books

    • web applications

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Why Use R?

It's powerful & flexible

  • You can use R for more than data analysis, including:

    • creating websites (including this one!)

    • creating documents that reproduce your analyses

    • slideshows (including this one!)

    • books

    • web applications

  • In R, it is never if but how...

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Why Use R?

It's a useful, transferable skill

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Why Use R?

It's a useful, transferable skill

  • R is used across many industries, esp. in UX & data science
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Why Use R?

Reduce errors, enhance reproducibility & transparency

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Why Use R?

Reduce errors, enhance reproducibility & transparency

  • Generate publication-quality figures & tables within R, reducing copypasta errors
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Why Use R?

Reduce errors, enhance reproducibility & transparency

  • Generate publication-quality figures & tables within R, reducing copypasta errors

  • Create detailed and fully documented scripts showing every step between raw data & stats

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Why Use R?

Reduce errors, enhance reproducibility & transparency

  • Generate publication-quality figures & tables within R, reducing copypasta errors

  • Create detailed and fully documented scripts showing every step between raw data & stats

  • You can use R to automate reporting of your analyses (for HW or publication), reducing all too common errors in reported statistics see Nuijten et al.

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Why Use R?

It's efficient

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Why Use R?

It's efficient

  • Once you get used to it and start using R, it saves you time in the long run
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Why Use R?

It's efficient

  • Once you get used to it and start using R, it saves you time in the long run

  • Scripts make re-using past work or using others' work as a starting point much easier

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Why Use R?

It's efficient

  • Once you get used to it and start using R, it saves you time in the long run

  • Scripts make re-using past work or using others' work as a starting point much easier

  • Typing scripts is much faster than clicking through menus, especially after you get the hang of keyboard shortcuts

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Why Use R?

It's efficient

  • Once you get used to it and start using R, it saves you time in the long run

  • Scripts make re-using past work or using others' work as a starting point much easier

  • Typing scripts is much faster than clicking through menus, especially after you get the hang of keyboard shortcuts

  • It runs faster and is less bloated than GUI-based statistical software (e.g., SPSS)

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Why Use R?

It's efficient

  • Once you get used to it and start using R, it saves you time in the long run

  • Scripts make re-using past work or using others' work as a starting point much easier

  • Typing scripts is much faster than clicking through menus, especially after you get the hang of keyboard shortcuts

  • It runs faster and is less bloated than GUI-based statistical software (e.g., SPSS)

It's fun πŸ₯³

No, seriously!

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Let's get started!

You can follow along:

πŸ”— uopsych-r-bootcamp-2020.netlify.app

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Hello πŸ‘‹

Welcome to the 3rd annual UO Psych R Bootcamp!

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